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Collecting and Translating the 1973 Calbee Bat-Backs (Part 13)

  I mentioned last time that cards #64-72 come with or without player and team information on the front. I currently have eight of these nine cards and only one of mine (#67) is a text-on-front version. In addition, all of the examples appearing in Yoshinori Mori ’ s 1973 Calbee guide are textless. This leads me to believe that the textless versions are likely more common. #67  Yazawa - First Baseman (Chunichi) Going for the Batting Title,  Yazawa Yazawa graduated from Waseda University and went on to win Rookie of the Year his debut season. He ’ s still hustling this year as well, his fourth in the pros. With a .315 average at the halfway point, he ’ s in hot pursuit of the batting title. Whether stroking it to left or pulling it to right, his sharp swing always brings out the ‘ oohs ’   and ‘ aahs. ’   Having come this far, .300 alone isn ’ t enough — it ’ s that batting crown he ’ s after.  That ’ s the spirit, Yazawa! #68  Takagi - Second Baseman ...

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